Friday, June 26, 2009

San Antonio

Russ's Nana died early last week.We had to make an emergency trip to San Antonio this past week. We left on June 18th and were back by the 22nd. We stayed with Judy while we were there. It was nice to see her just a month after the last visit. We usually only see her every six months.
Thank God for Facebook otherwise we wouldn't have known she had passed away. It was a really good trip a little bit too short, though. Emma and I got to meet a whole LOT of people we didn't know before. The Granberry side of the family is awesome. I am kicking myself because we had brought the camera, but did we take any pictures of anyone or any thing? Nope, we sure didn't! I promise there will be pictures of other things because we are getting a new digital camera!!!! It should arrive here on Tues!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to start taking more pictures.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

"The World Famous Topeka Zoo"

We went to the zoo yesterday and had a lot of fun! Emma really enjoyed all of the animals and liked feeding the goats, ducks, geese, and fish. She only ended up with a little pink on her face (sneaky girl wiped off the sun block). Here are some pictures from our outing.

Standing near the lioness.
Outside the gorilla and monkey exhibit.
Looking at the giraffes with Daddy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz

T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz: "

Take the fun, Mom to Mom quiz and discover your parenting style.


Night Frights

Last night Emma had two night terrors...the first one was very scary until we figured out what was going on. We thought she was in extreme pain and she was crying so hard she couldn't tell us what was going on. She just got more upset and sobbed harder. When she finally calmed down she asked to watch some tv, so we watched the first 10 minutes of "Chicken Little" and just chilled out on the couch. I googled night terrors and it said to just make sure the child doesn't hurt herself during it, and not to  wake her up because she will just be disoriented and confused which makes it worse. Please pray she doesn't have anymore.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Emma's 3rd birthday was on Tuesday last week, but with school ending and graduations we waited until this past Sunday to celebrate. Russ, Emma, and I went down to Mom and Dad's on Saturday to get ready for the party and to do some last minute cleaning since we were going to be doing some dirtying. These are some fun pictures from the party.


Monday, May 18, 2009

"RockaMole" and the New Door

Emma was helping (hindering) me make dinner the other night and she got to make the guacamole. She turned the handle on the quick chef for like 15 minutes. She is so funny I asked her if she was done with the guacamole and she answered, "Yes, the rockamole is all ready!"

We also got a new back door!!! Our old one just fell apart. Russ came home from his last Saturday class and it just came apart. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Game Face

Russ has taught Emma to make a game face to psych out other kids she comes across...I don't know why this is an important skill but she looks really cute! The other picture is of her and O. O is the son of my friend K. Her husband installed our new back door for us!! They played really good together until Emma wanted to touch his mommy's pregnant belly, he was then very protective!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gymnastic Pictures

Here are some pictures of Emma at gymnastics. I was a little disapointed...I didn't get to take a picture of her on the big balance beam, but I did get a picture of her on the trampoline. She likes to read Oliva books so her response to the trampoline was, " I was Emma, Queen of the Trampoline!" 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wear Orange for Stellan Tomorrow!

Stellan is having surgery tomorrow, his little heart will be undergoing some pretty sketchy stuff. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for his doctor! Wear orange!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


These pictures are of Emma searching for Easter eggs at my aunt and uncle's house in Burlingame. It was raining all day on Easter so the kiddos had to hunt eggs in the house!

After much research by my loving husband, Emma has been enrolled in gymnastics. She had her first class this evening. She loved it. She was the new kid in the class (it was the 5th session out of 9) and didn't know what was going on for sure. But she got to walk on the really high (it is a lot higher than you think it looks shorter on TV) balance beam. She listened really well and tried really hard. I will have to bring my camera next time and take some flash free photos! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Eggs....

Yesterday's post was supposed to include some pictures of Emma hunting Easter eggs at Daddy's school. But, somehow I couldn't get the pictures to look like I wanted so I guess I didn't put them on yesterday's post...So here they are. She is holding the giant ducky because our almost 3 year old child schooled the other children in the 0-2 room...ok, so we happened to be standing in the area which had the egg that held the grand prize. It was the only actual egg she picked up!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Puppies and Easter Eggs

Well, we got the new puppy, who we named Mackie, on Tuesday afternoon. Emma was just smitten with her. She held her all the way home from the Federal Building and talked to her the whole way home. I forgot how much fun a puppy was and how much work they entail. She is everywhere and is quite the chewer. Emma already says, "I better clean up my toys so she won't chew them. She is a baby and doesn't know any better." She actually has been really good at coaxing Emma out of bed in the morning. Mackie just climbs in her bed and presto, Emma gets up wanting to play!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Down with Chester Cheetah

I don't know about you but, those "Evil Chester Cheetos" commercials are just embarrassing. Messing with someone and promoting vindictiveness is ridiculous. Those commercials just make me angry because there are plenty of sources of bad behavior elsewhere in multiple sources of media. Parents need to make sure to talk to their children about what they see on television and let them know it isn't OK to do those things.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's a Small(er) World

Since last Sunday when I checked in on MckMama's blog and found out Stellan was sick I have been refreshing my browser to see the latest word on how he is doing. I know I don't personally know him or his family but for some reason I just feel led to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Russ thinks it is a little weird to follow someone else's life so closely, but I think it makes the world a smaller, friendlier place. I am not a stay-at-home mom like other women who blog, but I do like to see how that world works. It is fun to observe, comment, and pray for people who I get to know through their blogs.

Reading blogs also lets you get back in touch with people who you were once really good friends with. I read a blog written by one of my really good friends from high school...we hadn't spoken to each other in a really long time and through her blog and of course the ultimate time waster that is Facebook, we have started communicating again.
Anyway, please pray for Stellan and keep Seth in your prayers as well!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just another day

Ok, I promise to be a better blogger...I wanted to start a blog so I could let family and friends know what was going on in our lives, but I failed miserably. I promise I will do better.

Anyway, Emma is almost 3 and almost everyday she sees a commercial on TV and says to us, "I want that for my birthday!" She tells us she will be 3 on her birthday and she wants pancakes to eat on that day.
WE ARE GETTING A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!! Russ sent me an email this morning asking if we wanted a free pure bred Jack Russell Terrier. Aren't they cute? I don't know which one we are getting but they are housebroken and everything. We will just have to get her fixed!!!

Have a great day!!!