Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's a Small(er) World

Since last Sunday when I checked in on MckMama's blog and found out Stellan was sick I have been refreshing my browser to see the latest word on how he is doing. I know I don't personally know him or his family but for some reason I just feel led to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Russ thinks it is a little weird to follow someone else's life so closely, but I think it makes the world a smaller, friendlier place. I am not a stay-at-home mom like other women who blog, but I do like to see how that world works. It is fun to observe, comment, and pray for people who I get to know through their blogs.

Reading blogs also lets you get back in touch with people who you were once really good friends with. I read a blog written by one of my really good friends from high school...we hadn't spoken to each other in a really long time and through her blog and of course the ultimate time waster that is Facebook, we have started communicating again.
Anyway, please pray for Stellan and keep Seth in your prayers as well!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just another day

Ok, I promise to be a better blogger...I wanted to start a blog so I could let family and friends know what was going on in our lives, but I failed miserably. I promise I will do better.

Anyway, Emma is almost 3 and almost everyday she sees a commercial on TV and says to us, "I want that for my birthday!" She tells us she will be 3 on her birthday and she wants pancakes to eat on that day.
WE ARE GETTING A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!! Russ sent me an email this morning asking if we wanted a free pure bred Jack Russell Terrier. Aren't they cute? I don't know which one we are getting but they are housebroken and everything. We will just have to get her fixed!!!

Have a great day!!!